A great big headline to catch some attention, because everyone likes attention

So you understand the roaring wave of fear that swept through the greatest city in the world just as Monday was dawning--the stream of flight rising swiftly to a torrent, lashing in a foaming tumult round the railway stations, banked up into a horrible struggle about the shipping in the Thames, and hurrying by every available channel northward and eastward. By ten o'clock the police organisation, and by midday even the railway organisations, were losing coherency, losing shape and efficiency, guttering, softening, running at last in that swift liquefaction of the social body.

Sesje Birth Into Being

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Sesje i warsztaty Birth Into Being, przeznaczone są dla osób, które chcą zmienić swoje nieaktualne wzorce zachowania. Pozwalają one uleczyć własną traumę narodzin, traumy i zranienia dzieciństwa, by otworzyć się na życie, w pełnym potencjale. By urealnić swój pierwotny cel życia, w zaufaniu do świata, w miłości, w połączeniu ze źródłem.
Zmiany, które następują dzięki metodzie Birth Into Being dzieją się na poziomie komórkowym i są integrowane w ciele.
Birth Into Being to oczyszczanie naszej ścieżki z osobistych dramatów, historii, które nam nie służą, a w których obecności przyszło nam wzrastać. To uzdrawianie wspomnień. Uzdrowienie naszych początków: dzieciństwa, porodu i okresu płodowego naszego życia.
To tworzenie nowych punktów odniesienia w naszym układzie nerwowym, by przeżyć uczucie miłości, błogości i wsparcia. Wtedy zmiany, jakie się pojawiają oparte są na miłości i prawdzie.

Birth Into Being is a system of principles and techniques that helps us deepen our understanding of our reality. It opens us up to new dimensions and new possibilities, which we were not able to see before.
The Birth Into Being Method enables us to resolve both conscious and unconscious inner conflicts, gran- ting access to untapped resources and abilities.
Within every cell of our bodies we carry an “imprint” that begins to establish before we are born. If our emotional body is overwhelmed during this formative period, then a lifetime of ineffective coping strategies and behavioural patterns will ensue.

The Birth Into Being Method allowing us to access the intelligence of nature’s creative Power. It is a highly transformative method to connect with our inner self and wisdom. This unique method enables us to alter the unwanted and limiting side-effects of stressful, tragic events we’ve experienced. Since these events have been ‘stored’ in our nervous system on a cellular level, they affect how we think, feel and act today. They also influence our health and how our body responds to our environment.

This safe and effective Method brilliantly interweaves epigenetics and neuroplasticity with the richness of storytelling, visualization, breath-work, role-play, gentle touch, body work and dancing.